According to his Letter of Acceptance, Waiver and Consent (“AWC”) with FINRA, Lawrence Roberson was permanently barred from the securities industry for recommending and selling a nonexistent bond debenture to a client. Instead he converted the client’s funds to personal use in July of 2015. At the time, Roberson was an advisor for Wealth Management Group, Inc. and was a broker for Capital City Securities, LLC. He agreed to a permanent ban in AWC 2016050182001.
His FINRA Broker Check report shows two other regulatory events initiated by the State of Michigan prior to his barring from the securities industry.
Fishman Haygood represents investors who have suffered investment losses in claims against their brokers or financial advisors. Our experienced attorneys have brought securities fraud cases in state and federal courts across the nation, as well as in FINRA arbitration. We work to help investors recoup their losses.
Of course, all cases are different. For that reason, we analyze each client’s matter individually and provide our personalized evaluation only after considering all of the facts and circumstances of all possible claims. If you or someone you know is the victim of securities fraud, please contact a Fishman Haygood lawyer today.